
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

To kill a mockingbird

comparing people:

I have a weird lady that lives two houses away from me she rarely comes out i have only seen her

once and she was in her pajamas and she was watering her roses ever sense then I have not seen

her around any more, I thin that she is like radley he doesn't come out often.

I have some one who is a lawyer he is not liked for various resons I think that he is like atticus

for some reson i think they have alot in comon he is also a person with a girl and a son exept he

pays a nany to come every other day expet on saturday or sunday. I know some one that also

likes to insult people and gets anoyed for just about every thing she likes to be unfriendly with

kids but she talks bad and at the same time she still want to talk to you she has problems she is

just like ms.dubo.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

chapters 9-10
Chapters 8-7
Me and jem got sent to the radleys place because their was a fire at maddies house I could tell that

she wasn't upset she probably wanted a new place any way. but before any of that me and jem had

made a snow man at night we were really good at making it to. When the fire was going on with out

us noticing radley put a blanket over our shoulders. I see miss maudie she looks really happy she

told me that she wanted to expand her land for grassign.

Atticuss is going to defend a black man thats what I had heard. My uncle jack came for chrismas

He gifted us a gun so we are going to have fun the only thing im wondering about is why he

didnt give us candy or any thing els why did it have to be a gun what is the gun for?

He tought us how to use the gun and shoot things. Atticus told us that killing a mockingbird was a

sin because those birds were innocent they did not do any thing to us not like the other ones that

just ruined the things like corn and stuff like that. at the end I hear my uncle and my dad talking

about the person that my dad has to defend and how the case is almost here.
Chapters 6-7
We are trying to look at boo radley he is really wierd even though we havent seen him he sounds

pretty wiers. when I finally saw him I was scared I tried to run but he came out with a gun I

couldent go that fast. My pants came off and I was really tring so hard to go and brake free I know

now that he is alive and that he is crancky he is one mean person who would let that wild person go.

I think that I was really mad when My pants riped I was kind of mad and also I was in a scared

type of situation. Me and scout should of never gone their to try and see him hes to old and

grumpy why would we even think about it we could of goten killed back their. I know that scout

was scared to you could see you could tell right away she was more scared than i was good thing

nothing happened to her. Atticus would have me in my place if he knew that I was the person

that went over to his house even more if he knew that I never told scout to leave and not come if

something bad would of happened it would be all on me I would of been blamed for the whole

Chapters 4-5
I was Playing a fun game with the two people that I knew best witch was scout and dill the game

was real fun until Atticus came along and said that if we were trying to imitate the neighbors we

should stop but I knew that he was just pretending that he knew any thing he was acting crazy he

thought that he could out smart me he was wrong. I will play until i get tired im sure that scout

and dill love the game all we are doing is doing what he does he is cool I know that he knows that

he can do things we never see him so we try to see what he is like. I know that we are going to

have fun with this game for a long time. Im so tierd of people and their stories so we decided to

make our own. I got mad at scout she thinks that she can just say that im a liar well she better

think twice she dosent know who she is messing with. I know now that I got the anger out that it

wasnt such a good idea to push scout the funny part was that she landed right in front of the

radley's house.

Monday, May 3, 2010

TO KILL A MOCKING BIRD: Chapters 1-3 Scout: I was talking with Dill Haris and my brother.

Dill had the craziest idea I had ever heard he wanted some one to go and touch the evil mans

house and by evil man i mean Radley and of course the house would be the Radley's place.

I was INTIMIDATED by the Radley's and I knew my brother was to he wasn't probably going to take the dare I knew him to well and knew he woulden't

I was kind of IRKED by the idea because it wasn't the best idea going along their it was probably the worst one that I have heard

No one ever dared knock on the door imagine him actually going and doing the dare it would be a

night mare I couldn't even imagine the craziest person doing that. They would probably run of to

another place even probably move away some place where the Radley's house would be no

problem. Even grown ups were scared of the name technically every one was. All I'm saying is

that Dill probably lost his mind he doesn't know what hes saying and if my brother does the dare

he will probably end up in a comma or some thing maybe the Radley would some day know who

it was and chase us even to the end of the world to get us we might be kids with no minds to

think with but dill and my brother are past that. When Dill told my brother that he would COMPROMISE

the dare it was a relief but then he said all you have to do is touch the house what type of

changing is that I could see that my brother was thinking about that one and at the end when he

decided to do it I was behind him in a way. Good thing the night mare was over because one he

was done I was relaxed I was more happy I would never do that even if the idea just came up for

fun because that house was no fun you could tell by the condition it was in. I know that Maybe

sum day he will come out and that every one may be able to see why their doors were closed

most of the time.