
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Chapters 4-5
I was Playing a fun game with the two people that I knew best witch was scout and dill the game

was real fun until Atticus came along and said that if we were trying to imitate the neighbors we

should stop but I knew that he was just pretending that he knew any thing he was acting crazy he

thought that he could out smart me he was wrong. I will play until i get tired im sure that scout

and dill love the game all we are doing is doing what he does he is cool I know that he knows that

he can do things we never see him so we try to see what he is like. I know that we are going to

have fun with this game for a long time. Im so tierd of people and their stories so we decided to

make our own. I got mad at scout she thinks that she can just say that im a liar well she better

think twice she dosent know who she is messing with. I know now that I got the anger out that it

wasnt such a good idea to push scout the funny part was that she landed right in front of the

radley's house.

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