
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Chapters 6-7
We are trying to look at boo radley he is really wierd even though we havent seen him he sounds

pretty wiers. when I finally saw him I was scared I tried to run but he came out with a gun I

couldent go that fast. My pants came off and I was really tring so hard to go and brake free I know

now that he is alive and that he is crancky he is one mean person who would let that wild person go.

I think that I was really mad when My pants riped I was kind of mad and also I was in a scared

type of situation. Me and scout should of never gone their to try and see him hes to old and

grumpy why would we even think about it we could of goten killed back their. I know that scout

was scared to you could see you could tell right away she was more scared than i was good thing

nothing happened to her. Atticus would have me in my place if he knew that I was the person

that went over to his house even more if he knew that I never told scout to leave and not come if

something bad would of happened it would be all on me I would of been blamed for the whole


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